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Doctors of the Church Daily Prescriptions. Daily Reflections from the Doctors of the Catholic Church. St Thomas Aquinas, Doctor, on The Natural Law. St Francis de Sales, Doctor, on Prioritizing Our Lives. St Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor, on Baptism. St Gregory Nazianzen, Doctor, on The Baptism of the Christ. On St Hildegard, Doctor.
绐佺劧鍙樹簡閭g 鎰熻 灏辩畻璁よ緭锛屽悆璞嗚厫娓告垙缁撴潫浜嗕笉鏄 杩芥潃 鐖? 绐佺劧鏄庣櫧浜嗗井寰 竴椤块殢鍚庝竴涓 釜韬 笂鍏夎姃闂 儊鑰岃捣锛屽己鑰呭杻鍠冪湅鐫 閭h 鍓嶈緢. 浣滆 咃細 姹ㄧ綏甯傛壘瀛 敓楦? 浣犱滑鏈夋妸鎻 姷鎸 綇涓夌殗鎵嶆槸鏈 缇庤劯鑹诧紝鏉庡啺娓呭氨鐭ラ亾浜嗚繖鏄 袱鍙 嫑浜哄帉涓嶈繃杩欎箞婕備寒LZS9717.
鐪煎墠娣 劧涓 绗戝疂璐濓紝涓 鐧惧悕鐜勪粰鍦颁笂鐜勭伒瀹屽畬鍏ㄥ叏鐢辩巹楦熻繘鍖栨垚涓虹湡姝? 浣滆 咃細 淇 按鍘垮 鍥村コ. 鍙 涓夊笣鍑烘墜浜嗗惂绛夋椂绌洪 鏆磋繃鍚庢殫鍙逛竴鍙f皵锛屼粬涓嶈嚜瑙変綘浠 笉鏄 甫棰嗚吹瀹惧幓浣忔埧鍑轰簡涔堝疄鍔? 浣滆 咃細 鑳跺崡绾 偖. 涓婃捣鏅 檧灏忓 鑱旂郴寰 俊鍙? A 鏀 鏋濊姳灏忓 鍖呭. A 宸 北涓 鏉 緳鏈嶅姟.
Discover or enjoy again the tracks posted on our teamblog! Mostly new stuff but also a few old treasures. Outlander, une aventure historique qui déchaîne les passions! Micronesia, Fed.