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Things that injure ordinary people do nothing to them! Prior to submitting read the rules. Things that injure ordinary people do nothing to them! Prior to submitting read the rules.
HS 30305 Park su hyun. New age require new things. It is the same now as it was in the days gone by, estimating the future. We are crazy about new fashion trends and statistical economics, which subject can predict future economic views, became a very famous field. The science and technology develop in a very fast pace, which changes our life. GRIN TECHNOLOGY, Where is the final point of non-stop technology? S speed and Superman. Two face of nuclear technology.
閲嶅簡澶у 涓惧姙绗 叚鏈燂紙2015锛夆 滃疄璇佺ぞ浼氱 瀛 爺绌舵柟娉曗 濆煿璁 椿鍔? 鏈熷垔绀句妇鍔炩 滃埄鐢 lsevier鏁版嵁搴撴彁鍗囩 鐮旇兘鍔涒 濆 鏈 搴? 鍏充簬涓惧姙鈥滃埄鐢 lsevier鏁版嵁搴撴彁鍗囩 鐮旇兘鍔涒 濆 鏈 搴х殑閫氱煡. 銆婇噸搴嗗ぇ瀛 鎶ョぞ浼氱 瀛 増銆嬪叆閫夆 滃 鍗版姤鍒婅祫鏂欌 濊浆杞介噸瑕佹潵婧愭湡鍒婏紙2014骞寸増锛? 銆婇噸搴嗗ぇ瀛 鎶ョぞ浼氱 瀛 増銆嬪叆閫変腑鍥戒汉鏂囩ぞ浼氱 瀛 牳蹇冩湡鍒? 閲嶅簡澶у 绀剧 鏈熷垔鑾峰叏鍥介珮鏍 簿鍝佺ぞ绉戞湡鍒娿 佷紭绉 绀剧 鏈熷垔濂? 銆婇噸搴嗗ぇ瀛 鎶ャ 嬪啀娆 崳鑾封 滀腑鍥介珮鏍 簿鍝佺 鎶 鏈熷垔濂栤? 銆婇噸搴嗗ぇ瀛 鎶ャ 嬭幏璇勪负鈥滅 3灞婁腑鍥界簿鍝佺 鎶 鏈熷垔鈥? 閲嶅簡甯傚嚭鐗堜笓椤硅祫閲戞姤鍒婅祫鍔 鐩 鏌ラ獙鏀朵細鍦ㄦ湡鍒婄ぞ鍙 紑.