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Neste blogue poderão acompanhar os progressos do projecto e as actividades levadas acabo ligadas ao desenvolvimento do mesmo. Quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010. Exposição de artesanato e traba.
Pou de Glaç de Corbera de Llobregat. Interior del Pou de Glaç de Corbera. Interior del pou ple de deixalles.
Dimarts, 2 de juny de 2015. Ubicació en relació a altres construccions . Aïllada, sense construccions relacionades. Circular , coberta de terra dins un marge. De falsa cúpula i coberta per la terra del marge. Terra del marge i vegetació.
08 de juliol, 2015. Fent companyia a la capella romànica del s XII havia existit una casa actualment en ruïnes coneguda com Balaguer Vell.
This groundbreaking documentary special on James Files and his relationship to the JFK assassination,. Features rare, never-before-seen footage and interviews that have never aired on television. From witnesses, participants, historians, and from Files himself. James Files received no compensation for these interviews and he remains. The only person in history to have admitted to shooting President John F. RARE FOOTAGE NOT SEEN IN THE PROGRAM NOW AIRING ON NEWSMAX TV.
Time has always perplexed the human race. However, facts like these listed here show us how distorted our perception of time can be and how much we still need to learn about the fourth dimension. 1 Cleopatra lived closer to the building of Pizza Hut than the pyramids. 2 Every two minutes, we take as many photos as all of humanity took during the 1800s.