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FUTA News, the Universitys quarterly magazine has evolved over the years from FUTA Bulletin Newsletter as it was earlier called. 29, July, 2009 - FUTA Academic Success Story Attracts Public Support.
Teacher training courses for Computer Science. The newspaper Volksstimme reported on the navigation laboratory with advanced medical from the OvGU. Stefan Schirra won the Teaching Award of the student representatives for their teaching in summer semester 2014.
Herzlich willkommen in unserer virtuellen Praxis,. Als zahnmedizinische Praxis möchten wir Ihnen in möglichst angenehmem Ambiente kompetent und auf aktuellem Stand der medizinischen Erkenntnisse zu umfassender Mundgesundheit verhelfen. Hierbei möchten wir die für Sie individuell beste therapeutische Lösung gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln.
The MIS unit is one of the arms of the office of the Vice Chancellor saddled with the responsibility to keep and manage information on staff and students of the University. The unit also produces identity cards for Staff and Students of the university.